There's so much in the world to see and to learn!

A Thousand Brilliant Things

I'm going to learn everything.

This is where I'll store it all. Or some of it, anyway, as much as I can get my greedy mitts on, and I'll have links and information hopefully tidily organized. Not too many images overall, I expect, to save space, but we'll see as we go.

I used sadgrl's layout builder for this, and she has a guide which goes over the structure of how this layout is built, along with some specific tips on how to edit it in certain ways.

~ Crafts on the Docket ~

Look sometimes the crafts possess you. I really wasn't going to learn tablet weaving for a while yet, and I had no idea I was going to learn SCA-style medieval dressmaking, but here we are.

  • Tablet Weaving: We've ordered an inkle loom. We'll see if it fits in the suitcase. If not, I may yet be free a while longer . . .
  • Dressmaking: Step 1 is probably to go scare up some SCA resources on this. I need the really basic ones, just one step up from a t-tunic
  • Bookbinding: I declared an intent to learn bookbinding Sometime Soon. My sister, being a queen among women, decided to help me on my way, and gave me tools, materials, and a handbook for Christmas. I can't actually start now while I'm traveling, but soon . . .

hell yeah a cat!