There's so much in the world to see and to learn!


General Resources

  • papercraftpanda, the site my sister first sent me to
  • Badger & Chirp's Bookbinding 101 blog post series

Beginner Tutorials

More detailed information

How to Make Bookcloth

I haven't actually watched all of these yet, nor have I made any bookcloth, just for the record.

Related Information

  • How to make paste paper (good for decorative endpapers!)

Project Ideas

  • Seems like it'd be cool to make a Flag Book and get real artsy with it. Maybe put in quotes, do a fairy tale, something like that. Here's a straightforward example, and here are a bunch of wild ones.
  • Accordion books seemed like a lesser version of a flag book, but what if I did something like this? Which, in case that link dies, is an accordion book in a neon green and orange, where the orange is pasted over the green so that each folded pair of 'pages' feels like an actual pair, and there are stripes cut out of the orange at the crease of the fold and then popped out like a pop-up book, alternating every strip (one glued down, one popped up) so you get a really neat 3-D effect.